Monday, July 16, 2012

Orange Sunshine: How I Almost Survived America's Cultural Revolution

Orange Sunshine, How I Almost Survived America's Cultural Revolution,by Mar DuQuette, is a first hand account of what it was like to be an active participant in the movement that shaped our nation - a war baby's roller coaster ride of hot rods, guns, dope, revolution and redemption that's action-packed and heartbreakingly hilarious.  A veteran of the 1960's psychedelic revolution, the author  reveals the true inside story of the Counterculture. How could a 22 year old alcoholic, drug-using outlaw biker/machine shop worker, in a span of less than three years, become a yoga practicing, vegetarian commune founding revolutionary, who, inspired by his psychedelic drug trips, begins to practice an Eastern form of meditation in search of inner peace? This sort of radical transformation could only have taken place during the 1960's Cultural Revolution, arguably America's most turbulent time when our country exploded into chaos and mad idealism.

This wonderful autobiography of a baby-boomer-gone-wild captures the essence of 1960s America and beyond. I followed the karma of Marc DuQuette in one sitting, hanging on as he careened wildly from one adventure to the next, making me laugh and breaking my heart. It's worth the read simply to get inside the head of a man who will think to himself, upon being thrown to the ground by police, "What's the karma with my nose and the street?" I loved this book. I loved this book!
It's full of humor, shame, and heartbreak. Marc refuses to be anything less than 100 percent authentic in telling the real story of his life. 

However, what grabbed me the most was Marc's descriptive, amazing view into the hippie movement. The hippies who went up to Oregon in the '60s were legendary. Their struggles, temptations and psychic mind-blowing experiences - few have ever gone this far, this deep into what it meant to be called a "hippie".

Although set in the turbulent 1960's, this is not just a book for Baby Boomers! Anyone can relate to this tale of spiritual seeking, human frailty, and ultimate individual triumph. The author, Marc DuQuette, tells his story with razor wit and ruthless honesty. It's a tale of the times, yes, but also of the downward spiral of addiction. The quirky cast of characters are vivid and believable.

Marc Duquette is a skilled and prolific writer, making the truth seem like a walk in the park. His life was not a walk in the park but a series of events that would make any "Commie Man" cringe with fear as it did! It is very hilarious and sad at the same time. If you do not want to read the truth about this writer this is not a read for you! Looking forward to the screenplay.

When you read this book, you will see before you a naked soul like Walt Whitman! It was captivating to ride through all the "highs and lows" of an authentic Hippie life. I felt honored to encounter such an honest and genuine soul.His deep pain and suffering were really humbling and his redemption was truly glorious.

This book grabbed my attention from the first sentence to the last. It is captivating, entertaining and a wild and memorable ride. What's even more amazing is that the story is true and the author actually did survive!

Marc DuQuette's voice is authentic and he reveals the spirit of the cultural revolution in all its excesses, and the impact on one person. He doesn't spare himself - not insisting on being the hero of his own tales, he is honest about the crazy risks, the various indulgences, and the misguided idealism of the time. Often guided by the allure of "Gee, what would happen if....?", the author dives into each experience and writes engagingly and uproariously. The people and the locations all become characters in this first-hand account. This book is alive!!

"Orange Sunshine" Marc DuQuette's personal memoir, is absolutely a "must read." From Chapter One, "Motorcycle Down" you are pulled into Marc's crazy, fascinating life with a force that you cannot resist. His writing style is open, honest, and hilarious - each page brings you an experience that makes you actually laugh out loud!

What I liked best about this captivating journey through his childhood, the turbulent Sixties, and his search for truth and meaning in the Seventies, is that I literally felt like a fly on the wall - living this experience with him yet not having to actually go through it myself. It was the ultimate voyeuristic adventure! I have always been intrigued and mesmerized by the Sixties, undoubtedly one of the most interesting eras in recent history, and never have I read a book that throws you right in the middle, taking you on every trip and adventure, in such a funny and honest way. Marc gives us a bird's eye view of his remarkable life in a way that is highly personal and authentic through telling his own shocking and entertaining story and those of his cast of characters. You will feel like you are going through each adventure with him, but you won't need to do rehab afterward!

A roller coaster ride of a book. I could not put it down and finished it in one sitting! This book tells a vivid, turbulent, and heart aching tale of a man's journey with addiction during the sixties, seventies, and eighties. The story really touched me. I found myself drawn into the life of Marc as if it were my own. As much as I cried through part of the tale I also laughed while reading it. This book is such a fun read because of the author's great humor and unabashed frankness. It's great that I have so much fun reading about such serious encounters!

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