Shame is a focused on the self. Guilt is correlated with behavior.Shame corrodes the part of us that thinks we can change
She says that when we see positive behavioral change it is guilt not shame that produces this change.
She talks about how a scarcity mentality dominates our culture and our lives.
Scarcity culture s understood by the message never enough or today never extraordinary enough.
We feel that we’re just not enough, or not good enough, etc.
When we tell ourselves this lie, we’re just trying to protect ourselves from being hurt.
Our sense of being lovable and worth connection is weak.
We need to exercise Courage nd Wholeheartedness.
Our capacity for Wholeheartedness must include our willingness to have our hearts broken.
What is empathy? We feel a connection. I’m feeling with you.
Sympathy drives disconnection.I’m feeling for you.
What makes something better is connection
The most important two words in my work are MeToo.
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